Content Management System is highly influenced by WordPress and has grown popular all around the blogosphere. The installation and maintenance procedure of it is quiet complicated. You need to have proper installation of WordPress and at the same time you should have right web server along with right database server. In order to solve the security issues WordPress need to get updated regularly. It is a tough decision to switch to another hosting provider and sometimes time taking too. But sometimes it has to be taken. For instance was an excellent server but recently you could see it on fire almost all the times for ample of reasons. Like there are many other big domains that provide wide range of tools for building websites but are lacking in their work style these days and need to be substituted as soon as possible.
In regards of reason behind these changes many could be listed but top 5 reasons are as follows:
Non Spontaneous Hosting Interface:
Some web hosting providers are too complicated to operate. They may be popular but their function are so convoluted that it really appears as a mess to blogosphere. They are often surrounded by different buttons and require variation for different products and hence become too confusing at times. The update session also invites various revolutionary changes and the most disgusting role could be seen when you do few clicks as undesired multiple windows are open and widens the confusion. There are many popular hosting sites which are easy to operate so shifting to them is always a better suggestion.
Role of Setup Mode for Database and Account of FTP:
There are many hosting services that do not create set up program for you when you open an account with them. Often a “Pending status” appears which is too irritating. Other sites like Cpanel offers set up within 3 seconds after you create your account while on the other hand few are very slow. Shifting to other hosting site is always better then to relying and depending upon such slow site. This is a fast world where every second could be used to earn millions and in such a scenario wasting so long for creation of account is a foolish idea.
Lack of Proper Storage or Simply Low Bandwidth:
The basic reason for selecting any other hosting services these days is the absence of proper storage system. It often happens that whatever database name or even the user name you select is already enrolled there and most of the companies allow you to have same database and user name and lead to confusion. Security is also a big issue in such a situation and shifting to another hosting service is rather a good idea.
Absurd Requirement for Passwords and Username:
Security is surely a serious issue but some hosting server makes it so confusing that the entire process of creating username becomes too time taking and confusing. A simple tool for generating password and username is always a preferred destination for users and often users like to shift to such hosting server.
Presence of Internal FTP Client Based on JavaScript:
Many hosting servers uses internal Java ftp client in order to upload filer over their server which they often claim to have for the big files. Problem arises when clientele use these procedures for transferring their file, the time involve is great and often before the completion of the procedure the times run out. It becomes a serious issue when you are creating a back up. In such a scenario either you had to stay present to witness the transfer of each file or else you may lose it in the mid. It stands too impractical when the numbers of files are huge and if you are facing such issues then shifting to other hosting server is always the right advice.
Final Verdict:
A solid hosting is an essential tool for the development of a website. In case if you are missing anywhere you may really miss a lot in a short span. These top 5 reasons to change your hosting service provider are according to my perception and your view may differ but you should always welcome changes if it is for your benefit.
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