IP stands for Internet Protocol. So what role does IP address plays in web hosting? To answer your question, first, we need to understand what an IP address is? Well, an IP address is a set of numbers which represents your computer. Each and every machine in the world is associated with an IP address. So when someone types in your website address, for instance, www.xyz.com, the domain name will be converted into your IP address and the user is directed to that IP address where your website is present.
Unique IPs and Shared IPs
It is not necessary that to reach or access the website you need a domain name. If you know the IP address, simply enter it in the search bar and it will direct you to that website.
Now that you are aware of what an IP address is, we are back to square one. The question still remains intact: what role does IP address plays in web hosting? Well, IP address plays a vital role in web hosting depending on what type of IP address they are. IP address can be shared as well as unique. So what is the difference between both of them? Let us have a brief look at both of them
Shared IP, as the name suggest, is the IP that can be used for multiple sites. It can host each and every site on a single web server. As the IP is shared, the action of one user may affect rest of the users. For instance, if a particular shared IP address is listed in the blacklist for spamming, then it will result to blacklist all the mails coming from that IP address. Installation of SSL certificate is not possible if your website is on a shared IP. There will be hardly any user, using a shared IP address, which has not been suffered or affected by another user on the server.
Unique IP has an advantage over shared IP. A person may always access or reach out a website if that particular website is using a unique IP. On the other hand, this is totally opposite in the case of unique IP. The reason is —when you type in a shared IP address, you will arrive at the server but the server will have no idea as to which site you want to visit. This is due to the domain name is not specified by you at the initial stage.
On the other hand, SSL certification is possible on unique IP address only. Data must be always encrypted if it is sensitive and needs to transfer over the Internet. You can utilize the SSL encryption. This will allow your data from intercepting from someone with bad intentions.
In a nutshell, unique IP wins over shared IP in every case. The main factor is that you have a secure feeling while using unique IP address. Unlike unique IP, there will be users that will be sharing your IP address when you opt for shared IP address. Hence it is always wise to choose unique IP over shared IP.
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